Latest Past Events

BPSOU RDRA Progress Meeting

On April 23, 2024, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am Atlantic Richfield, EPA, Butte Silver Bow County, Montana DEQ, and the Montana Natural Resource Damage Program invite the public to observe the Butte Priority Soils Operable Unit (BPSOU) Remedial Design/Remedial Action Progress Meeting (RDRA Progress Meeting) in a Teams Live event by computer or smart phone.  Join here Because you will be watching a working meeting, there will be no method for asking questions or making statements. If you have questions prior to or after the meeting, please submit those questions through

Repository Siting Committee Meeting – March 28, 2024

The Repository Siting Committee will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday the 28th of March.  The public can access this meeting via Microsoft Teams and the link here: For questions please call Eric Hassler at 406-497-5042 or [email protected].    

BPSOU RDRA Progress Meeting

On March 26th, 2024, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, Atlantic Richfield, EPA, Butte Silver Bow County, Montana DEQ, and the Montana Natural Resource Damage Program invite the public to observe the Butte Priority Soils Operable Unit (BPSOU) Remedial Design/Remedial Action Progress Meeting (RDRA Progress Meeting) in a Teams Live event by computer or smart phone. Because you will be watching a working meeting, there will be no method for asking questions or making statements. If you have questions prior to or after the meeting, please email those to Charles Van Otten, [email protected].   Agenda to follow. Meeting Link below: Join a Microsoft Teams Live Event: Click here to Join meeting Attendees can use the link below to join the meeting via Teams or from a browser (like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge). Attendees can join from their computer or mobile device.