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Design Investigation Along the Upper Silver Bow Creek Trail

Atlantic Richfield Company is conducting a design investigation along the upper Silver Bow Creek trail, adjacent to Harrison Avenue and the Butte Civic Center. The purpose of the investigation is to collect geotechnical data that will be used to support the design of...

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Blacktail Creek Pre-Design Investigation – August 28 – September 4

Aug 31, 2023

Beginning August 28th, Montana Department of Environmental Quality along with their contractors HydroGeoLic, Inc. and O’Keefe Drilling will be conducting a pre-design investigation (PDI) to resolve several data gaps in the Blacktail Creek Project Area.  The first step is the sonic drilling investigation to delineate the lateral and vertical extent of contamination.  DEQ plans to keep a Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. drilling schedule.  The activity is expected to last 2 to 3 weeks.  This work will not require closure of the walking path, and instead will redirect pedestrians as needed to ensure limited interruption to recreators.

XRF testing of the material will be conducted at Montana Pole for approximately one week after drilling.  DEQ will be providing oversight during this time with Jon Babcock, Dave Bowers, and Logan Dudding rotating various days.  If you have questions, please reach out and we will put you in contact with appropriate representatives.