Atlantic Richfield will continue demolition at Butte Reduction Works (BRW) to support remediation of BRW and subsequent construction of the Silver Bow Creek Conservation Area. Construction crews will demolish segments of the slag wall immediately adjacent to Montana...
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Remedial Activities at Belle of Butte Site
Beginning in late November of 2024, reclamation will begin at the Belle of Butte site. The Belle of Butte site is located in Walkerville on North Main and East Clark Streets. Dunn Street and East Clark Street Park Closure Signs
BPSOU Construction Advisory – Clark Tailings Consolidated Waste Management Area (Copper Mountain)
Atlantic Richfield’s crews will be conducting utility locates, drilling operations, and groundwater and soil sampling at Copper Mountain. This work will begin September 11th and run through October. The field crews will be working 10-hour days, 7-days a week with periodic days off. For more information, please visit
This work is occurring to understand the overall condition and performance of the existing repository at Copper Mountain. This investigation will include evaluation of groundwater and soil contamination within the repository and the effectiveness of the repository cap. Atlantic Richfield is required to complete this work to fulfill its obligations under the Butte Priority Soils Consent Decree.
Atlantic Richfield has contracted Woodard and Currant to lead this work with the assistance of Cascade Drilling. The work has been coordinated with Butte-Silver Bow and will be performed under the oversight of the EPA.
Residents of Timber Butte neighborhood may see and hear drill rigs and other construction equipment at Copper Mountain. Additional fencing may be installed to prevent unauthorized access to the work areas. This fencing will not prohibit access or use of Copper Mountain. No adverse traffic impacts are expected in the project area, including Beef Trail Road and South Montana Street.