What is happening? Atlantic Richfield is starting construction at the Grove Gulch project site immediately south of I-90, east of Lexington Avenue. This work is being conducted in accordance with the Butte Priority Soils Operable Unit (BPSOU) Consent Decree (EPA...
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Design Investigation Along the Upper Silver Bow Creek Trail
Atlantic Richfield Company is conducting a design investigation along the upper Silver Bow Creek trail, adjacent to Harrison Avenue and the Butte Civic Center. The purpose of the investigation is to collect geotechnical data that will be used to support the design of...
Colorado Dump West Lot Remedial Action
Colorado Dump West Lot Remedial Action is planned for October 17, 2022, and is planned to continue through October, and may extend into early November.
The Colorado Dump was evaluated in 2021 in accordance with the BPSOU Insufficiently Reclaimed Sites Field Sampling Plan to determine if the site requires additional reclamation. Sampling indicates sediments and soils in this area exceed storm water action levels and the sedimentation analysis determined sediment and stormwater are migrating to the adjacent roadway. The project will include stormwater mitigation measures, site grading, and capping. Remediation will be completed using various measures including grading, gravel cover, storm channels, and inlet/manhole and stormwater piping installation.
This site is located west of the AWARE Early Head Start daycare center on East Mercury Street in Butte, Montana.
Upon completion, the site will be covered by a 12-inch engineered base course cap, and one riprap stormwater channel will be installed to capture and convey stormwater and to prevent future erosion.