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Design Investigation Along the Upper Silver Bow Creek Trail

Atlantic Richfield Company is conducting a design investigation along the upper Silver Bow Creek trail, adjacent to Harrison Avenue and the Butte Civic Center. The purpose of the investigation is to collect geotechnical data that will be used to support the design of...

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Summer 2024 Park Clean Up Notice of Temporary Closures

The Residential Metals Abatement Program (RMAP) will continue cleaning up parks and play areas throughout Butte during the summer of 2024. This work will result in temporary park closures. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation while we complete this...

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Demolition of Manganese Ore Bin at Butte Reduction Works

Mar 13, 2024

Watch Atlantic Richfield’s contractor complete demolition of the Manganese Ore Bin at Butte Reduction Works. These bins once stored manganese rich ore, some from the Nettie Mine, prior to additional processing. This work is being completed under the EPA approved Butte Reduction Works Phase I Demolition and Deconstruction Plan.

If you have any questions, please contact us: Contact BPSOU | BPSOU Environmental Remediation & Reclamation.