What is happening? Atlantic Richfield is starting construction at the Grove Gulch project site immediately south of I-90, east of Lexington Avenue. This work is being conducted in accordance with the Butte Priority Soils Operable Unit (BPSOU) Consent Decree (EPA...
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Summer 2024 Park Clean Up Notice of Temporary Closures
The Residential Metals Abatement Program (RMAP) will continue cleaning up parks and play areas throughout Butte during the summer of 2024. This work will result in temporary park closures. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation while we complete this...
Design Investigation Along the Upper Silver Bow Creek Trail
Atlantic Richfield Company is conducting a design investigation along the upper Silver Bow Creek trail, adjacent to
Harrison Avenue and the Butte Civic Center. The purpose of the investigation is to collect geotechnical data that will be
used to support the design of slurry system that could be used to transport waste from the Silver Bow Creek
Conservation Area project sites to the Berkeley Pit. This work is being conducted in consultation with the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, and Butte-Silver Bow.
The investigation includes drilling of three soil borings to characterize the strength of the soil in these areas. Drilling
activities will be conducted between June 17th and June 28th. As a result of this work, there will be temporary closure of
the walking trail and small portion of the shopping center parking lot west of Harrison Avenue. Additionally, there will
be temporary closure of portions of the walking trail east of Harrison Avenue, adjacent to the Butte Civic Center
parking lot. Temporary closures of these areas are necessary to protect the public, and Atlantic Richfield Company
appreciates cooperation with construction signage and markings.
All parties involved thank you for your patience and understanding during the completion of this design investigation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email Josh Bryson at [email protected].