Butte Priority Soils Operable unit


BPSOU Consent Decree

The Record of Decision Amendment

BPSOU Consent Decree Press Release

What’s in the CD Fact Sheet

US EPA Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area Site Documents & Data

Butte-Silver Bow Reclamation and Environmental Services

Butte-Silver Bow Residential Metals Abatement Program

US EPA Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area

Learn more about the Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area Superfund Site at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s website.

Butte-Silver Bow County

The consolidated government of Butte-Silver Bow County maintains a Superfund Division website that includes information and resources about the Superfund designation in Butte and the Residential Metals Abatement Program.

Pit Watch

The Berkeley Pit Public Education Program publishes a report, Pit Watch, and its web version, pitwatch.org, to educate Butte residents, students and visitors about the Berkeley Pit history and cleanup.

Citizens Technical Environmental Committee (CTEC)

Citizens Technical Environmental Committee (CTEC) is a group of volunteer citizens who work with EPA, the State of Montana, responsible parties, and others to make the Superfund process and cleanup decisions in the Butte and Clark Fork Basin area of Montana understandable to everyone. CTEC manages a website that provides updates and information.

The Copper Mountain Sports and Recreation Complex

Once a former remediation site, it is home to Butte American Legion baseball, high school softball, little guy football, frisbee golf, a driving range, and other recreational activities.