Remedial activities will begin at the 300 block of Curtis Street starting tomorrow – Wednesday, November 22, 2023. Construction is anticipated to take 2-3 weeks to complete subject to weather conditions. Site preparation will begin with removal of debris and continue...
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News & Updates
BPSOU RD/RA Progress Meeting
The next Butte Priority Soils Operable Unit (BPSOU) Remedial Design/Remedial Action (RD/RA) Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 7th, 2023, from 9:00 to 11:00 A.M. Click to Join Nov 7 RD/RA Progress Meeting. Technical issues that occurred during the last meeting...
BPSOU Open House
Atlantic Richfield will be hosting an open house on Thursday, November 2 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm for the Butte community to learn about the BPSOU Siting Study process. This will take place at the Copper Lounge in the Student Union Building at Montana Technological...
BPSOU Construction Advisory – Clark Tailings Consolidated Waste Management Area (Copper Mountain)
Atlantic Richfield's crews will be conducting utility locates, drilling operations, and groundwater and soil sampling at Copper Mountain. This work will begin September 11th and run through October. The field crews will be working 10-hour days, 7-days a week with...
Contractor Selected for Silver Bow Creek Conservation Area
Atlantic Richfield Company is pleased to announce that Jacobs has been selected to provide construction management and general contractor services for the Silver Bow Creek Conservation Area. Jacobs has teamed with Butte’s Wasley Excavating, Inc. to complete the...
Lexington Wetlands Construction Advisory
Atlantic Richfield will be performing construction activities at Lexington Wetlands as the first step to completing the Silver Bow Creek Conservation Area. Please follow the hyperlink below to review the complete BPSOU Construction Advisory. Lexington Wetlands...
Blacktail Creek Pre-Design Investigation – August 28 – September 4
Beginning August 28th, Montana Department of Environmental Quality along with their contractors HydroGeoLic, Inc. and O'Keefe Drilling will be conducting a pre-design investigation (PDI) to resolve several data gaps in the Blacktail Creek Project Area. The first step...
2023 RMAP Parks Clean-up
During the summer of 2023, the Residential Metals Abatement Program will clean-up eight Butte-area parks. The clean-up work is the result of sampling performed in 2022. Playgrounds and play areas have been sampled to determine if lead, arsenic, or mercury exceeding...
Colorado Dump West Lot Remedial Action
Colorado Dump West Lot Remedial Action is planned for October 17, 2022, and is planned to continue through October, and may extend into early November. The Colorado Dump was evaluated in 2021 in accordance with the BPSOU Insufficiently Reclaimed Sites Field Sampling...